Various Amateur Radio Awards & Certificates
VE3DMJ: WAC, WAS and WAZ (Phone)
Worked all RAC Stations Award
ARRL DXCC Mixed Confirmed at 338 Entities
ARRL DXCC Phone Confirmed at 338 Entities
ARRL DXCC Mixed Honor Roll
ARRL DXCC Phone Honor Roll
VE3YF: WAC, WAS and WAZ (CW, RTTY and Phone)
Worked all RAC Stations Award
ARRL DXCC Mixed Confirmed at 341 Entities
ARRL DXCC Phone Confirmed at 339 Entities
ARRL DXCC CW Confirmed at 324 Entities
ARRL DXCC RTTY Confirmed at 323 Entities
ARRL DXCC Mixed Honor Roll
ARRL DXCC Phone Honor Roll
ARRL DXCC Challenge Award (2334 DXCC Band Countries)
ARRL 5BDXCC with 160m, 30m, 17m and 12m Endorsements
ARRL 5BWAS with 160m, 30m, 17m and 12m Endorsements
ARRL Diamond DXCC Challenge (Top Canadian)
ARRL WAS Triple Play Award #589
CQ RTTY WPX 2012 1st Place Canada 40m, 8th Place NA 40m
RAC Winter Contest 2002 1st Place Canada 40m, 2nd Place WW 40m
SCC RTTY 2003 1st Place Canada, 3rd Place NA
SCC RTTY 2010 1st Place Canada, 2nd Place NA
Amateur Radio Station VE3YF